
This page has been set up to allow member choirs of the National Association of Choirs to seek the services of others.

Items listed here are placed entirely free of charge and at the discretion of the National Association of Choirs Executive Officers and are for the benefit of member choirs only.

All ads are the sole responsibility of the advertiser and the Officers of the National Association of Choirs accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy and content of the advert placed.

Please make contact directly with the specific choir listed in the ad. If your choir wishes to make use of this service please email the Webmaster with your details, remembering to include your choir name, NAC Group and contact information. All items placed are subject to edit.

Further choral vacancies can be found here - ABCD - The Association of British Choral Directors (This is an external site and the NAC accepts no responsibility for adverts placed or the using of this site, please do remember that the ABCD is not affiliated to or a part of the NAC).

Midlands West NAC


Musical Director

The Harmoneers Rock and Pop Choir are looking for an enthusiastic and inspirational Musical Director for our thriving choir in Cubbington, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.
The successful applicant will have demonstrable experience and exceptional vocal coaching skills, be
encouraging, innovative, patient and be able to grow the choir, this together with an artistic vision for the choir’s future. An ability to provide piano accompaniment on occasion is also required in the absence of our current accompanist.
We are an all-inclusive, mixed ability non-auditioned SATB rock and pop choir who were
established over 10 years ago. We are enthusiastic, progressive, contemporary and lively choir and perhaps the biggest asset of our choir is its sense of fun. The choir provides an opportunity to develop strong friendships and have a great time, together with the commitment and hard work of our members, all of whom are passionate about singing and are
excited to develop the choir further under the guidance of a new leader.
Our current MD will be handing over his baton in August after five incredibly successful years which have seen the choir blossom to a high standard. During his tenure, the choir’s membership has grown significantly, and our concert performances have developed with confidence. There has also been an outstanding improvement in the quality of our singing and we are looking for an MD who can build on these successes and continue the choir’s
Choir rehearsals are held in Cubbington every Monday from 7:30 to 9:30pm, with ‘time off’ on some bank
holidays and a short break at the end of the summer. We are also supported by a professional accompanist. We aim to deliver at least 2 concerts per year, together with performing at a variety of external events, together with raising funds for local and National charities.
The choir’s substantial repertoire is wide ranging from the 60s up to current day and includes: musical theatre, classical rock, love ballads, power ballads, indie rock, soul, country, disco, folk, soft rock and progressive symphonic rock to name but a few.
Essential requirements will be:
• Extensive experience of leading rehearsals, teaching vocal techniques would be a bonus and promoting a high standard of performance
• The ability to engage with and encourage all choir members to develop their singing skills in a healthy
and sustainable way
• Ability to produce vocal guides where required to support the choir
• Knowledge and experience of planning concert repertoire, and in conjunction with the committee, to provide the variety and challenge which will enthuse choir members and audiences.
Remuneration: £95 per two-hour rehearsal plus payment for concerts.
Closing date for applications: Friday 16th May 2025. Interview and audition date to be advised. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to come along to one of our Monday evening rehearsals prior to the audition and interview.
If you are interested in applying for the role of MD, please submit an up-to-date CV of relevant experience, with a covering letter explaining why you would like to be considered for the role and what you think you could bring to it. Please include the names and contact details of two referees. Please send expressions of interest and CVs
The full Job Description is available upon request.
Visit the Harmoneers website to see what we do and have recently been up to:

Yorkshire North and East NAC


New MD needed

We are an SATB community choir, singing from sheet music, based in the heart of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. Our repertoire is varied; we enjoy singing popular music and popular classics equally. We perform three concerts a year in our locality. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Grassington Town Hall. We are looking for an enthusiastic Musical Director to join in our fun, and guide us to be the best we can be for our concerts.
The post is available from 4th May 2025. Check out our website:
Enquiries to Jane Scott:

National Association of Choirs