Membership Information & Application

Membership Benefits and Information

Who are we?

The National Association of Choirs is an association of amateur choirs run by annually-elected volunteer officers for the benefit of the member choirs.

Choirs are grouped geographically by our Membership Officer.

A member choir is automatically listed, with its contact information, on our website, in the group in which it has been placed.

What do we do?

We advise and encourage our member choirs in all aspects of choral singing. As an umbrella organization we represent our membership nationally, and work to enhance the provision of the teaching of singing in schools, as well as liaising with other national organizations to get the best deals possible for voluntary organizations from the Government of the day.

What do we provide for our members?

The annual membership covers access to all the NAC's services which are constantly developing, but include:

Full Membership

Full Membership is open to any British Charitable Choir, i.e., any Choir that does not distribute its income to its members - in cash or kind - but uses its funds for the purpose of further promoting its choral activities, essentially the "study and practice of Choral Music, foster public knowledge and appreciation of such music by means of public performance."

This aim is an approved "object" taken from a "Model Rules and Constitution" approved by the "Charity Commission" and is available on application.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is available to individuals, corporations and other entities from anywhere who are interested in promoting the Arts, and particularly Choral Music in the UK.


All members pay an Annual Subscription, which is due on joining, and then annually on the 1st of January. Current Subscription rates for 2025 are as follows:

Full Members (Choirs):

Associate Members:

Overseas Associate Membership

Membership from overseas is welcomed but subscriptions will be increased to reflect the additional costs of postage etc. Please contact the Membership Officer - Brenda Wilkinson

To Apply:

Please print the membership form or associate membership form as appropriate and send it together with your cheque for the appropriate fee made payable to the National Association of Choirs to:

Brenda Wilkinson, Membership Officer, "Andante", 23 Mendip Close, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 1DZ.


National Association of Choirs