Links to other Organisations

The following links and websites are in NO way connected with the NAC, furthermore the NAC DOES NOT accept any responsibility for the content or accuracy contained within these sites.

Singing Network UK (fomerly TONSIL) consists of the following member choral organisations:

All of the above listings are voluntary and non - governmental bodies

Additionally the following links / sites may be of interest.

Links to other External Organisations & Services


The National Association of Choirs is always happy to widen the ‘list’ and ‘range’ of ‘service suppliers’ included in these pages and to provide links to the relevant websites. If you are a potential supplier and would like to be included then please contact Pete Carlyon - Webmaster who maintains this site.

However, the National Association of Choirs does not warrant, recommend or otherwise guarantee services and suppliers or supplies. All choirs should satisfy themselves regarding the quality and cost of supplies and should exercise all normal financial caution.

The National Association of Choirs is happy to receive your reasonable and reasoned comments, good and bad alike regarding services that are offered and provided - giving you a neutral forum to share your experience with others.

The National Association of Choirs is in NO WAY connected with these sites and the National Association of Choirs

does not accept any responsibility for their content or accuracy

Radio & Media

Music Supply Publishers and Retailers of Sheet Music

Music Composition (inc Composers/arrangers/software) Composers and Arrangers of Choral Music and Music Production Software.

Recording & Duplication Specialist Recording Companies and studios, Producers of CDs, Tapes and Supplies.

Keyboards & Instruments Producers & Suppliers of Pianos, Keyboards & Instruments for Rehearsal and Performance.

Travel & Tours Travel, Tour & Concert Organisers for Home and Overseas.

Printing Brochures, leaflets, programmes and Concert Tickets.

Publications Information on interesting publications that we are aware of.

Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Musicians.

Uniforms & Apparel Suppliers of Uniforms, Dresses and Casual Wear for your Choirs Identity.


Tel: 0141 552 7171

At Slaters we pride ourselves in the personal service and choice that we offer to our customers. At the heart of what we do is an ethos that consistently places our customer's needs first.

Still run by the Slater family, we are proud to have stores nationwide each with it's own team of tailors and seamstresses offering a free alterations service to all of our customers. We offer a unique service to customers in that we have highly trained staff who are not paid commission. Their job is to make sure you get exactly what you want with the minimum of fuss.

We work hard to offer our customers a unique shopping experience that delivers them what they want, whatever size, whatever budget, with advice when they need it

Special discounts are available for NAC members.

Staging & Equipment Staging, Sound and Lighting Equipment to Hire or Purchase.

Musical Sundries Supplies of Giftware and Supplies for your choir for that special occasion.

Choral Competitions, Festivals and Choral Opportunities

Tuition in Music Theory and Sight Singing

National Association of Choirs